It’s that time of the year when people everywhere reflect on the year that just passed and think about how they can improve their personal and professional life. We all want to believe that we CAN and WILL make a change, but is it that easy? NOPE. We always wanna do this or do that, but things just keep piling up and next thing you know..another year is gone. So my advice...focus on the one most important thing. Happy New Year.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year - Resolve or Desolve
Posted by Charma at 12:11 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
UAW and the Automakers
On Feb. 11, 1937, thousands of sit-down strikers paraded out of General Motors' plants to celebrate in the streets of Flint, having won an difficult 44-day standoff that ended with a contract recognizing the UAW as the bargaining unit for GM workers.
The Sit-Down Strike of 1936-37 gave credence to the fledgling union and created better working conditions for generations who would have better lives and staid, blue-collar jobs. It also generated strong emotions about unions -- positive and negative. This is an event that changed the way labor and management relate. This was a very dramatic event, and you just can't overstate its importance.
Posted by Charma at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ups and Downs of the Year
What will you remember from 2008? What will you want to forget? There is a lot to choose from in the list of highlights, lowlights; Olympian achievements, presidential election and PR prowess, at least two wars and a global economic meltdown of historic proportions. Life in our world of advertising, marketing and media has also been a wild ride. So, what would you want to remember, and what would you want to forget?
Posted by Charma at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
You've been blogged
I hope my blog has enlightened you on the Marketing and Advertising world, it's history and current events. I have certainly gained a lot from this project, which has allowed me the tools needed to survive the clutter caused by marketing which continues to flood the consumer world. The most interesting thing I've learned about marketing is: The psychological impact on consumers. Marketing today has succeeded in penetrating that force field which existed in the times when people seemed immune to advertising and selling. The consumers' moral values were high, and there was little to no cultural penetration taking place. But today, cultures and sub-cultures have taken a turn for the worse, and no one has any regard for tradition anymore. This has therefore left enough room for those with something to sell, an open pass to the target consumers wallets. Every aspect of marketing has changed, and from cultures evolved sub-cultures, and from these sub-cultures, other sub-sub-cultures were born. Hence the birth if Clutter. Marketing has single handedly taken over the world. So instead of building some mind control devise, simply advertise. Pinky and the Brain didn't think of this one huh. By the way, this cup of coffee is for me....for closers only :) You've been blogged!!!
Posted by Charma at 8:01 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
5 Very Important Words in Marketing
1 - YOU!
That is, your marketing needs to convey very clearly, what's in it for the client or the consumer.
2 - WHY!
It is much better to communicate WHY you are original, special or unique, or WHY you are better, different or superior than competitors
It is something that also fuels your credibility. When people see that you are maintaining consistency in your marketing, they'll assume you're just as committed to quality and service."
4 - NEW!
New is probably the strongest word in marketing. People are attracted to new products like a magnet. Introducing new products on a constant basis is the best way to get attention and invaluable free publicity for your business.
5 - FREE!
FREE was, is, and will always be the most powerful word in marketing. Most viral marketing programs give away valuable products or services to attract attention. FREE will usually get results and responses much faster.
Posted by Charma at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Power of Color in Marketing
Which colors raise your pulse? Red and Yellow
Which color makes you hungry? Red
which color is the happiest color? Yellow
Which color is the most popular in the United States? Blue
Which color represents dependability? Brown
Which color is used most often in one-color logos? Blue
Which color, when added, makes other colors appear sweeter? White
- Red is the color of love, passion and romance. Red is daring, expressive, competitive and aggressive
- Yellow represents joy and happiness. Yellow demands attention, and products packaged in yellow are often noticed first.
- Blue symbolizes stability, reliability, establishment, trust, confidence, constancy and truth. This is why many financial
institutions use blue in their logos.
- Orange is the color of harvest and is one of the most edible colors.
_ Green depicts nature, freshness and health. It immediately reminds you of the fresh outdoors.
- Purple denotes royalty, nobility, spirituality, mysticism and sensuality. It is also known to depict loneliness.
Marketers have been hoping that these colors will live up to their meanings and sell their products for them.
Posted by Charma at 8:47 AM 0 comments